This part of my website will be about my Counter-Strike clan Scorpions.
This clan has been invented by:
Absolute | Spree ( Scorpions | Spree [CL] )
(o_x)o-('.'Q) | Mirko Cro Cop ( Scorpions | Zebowsky [CL] )
Clan started at 10th Septhember 2006.
If you want to join this clan you will have to send a post on
Forums ( Joining Scorpions )and give your e-mail
adress there so we can contact you !
If someone wanna have ClanWar with us he has on forums part called
ClanWars ,where he
will post his name of clan, his website of clan, and his
contact e-mail where i can get him !
Leader of the clan ,webdesingers, creator of clan and one of three judges who
is deciding who can join Scorpions clan is:
Scorpions | Zebowsky [CL]

Leador of the clan , creator of clan and second judge is:
Scorpions | Spree [Co-CL]

If you want to join clan you will have to respect these three main rules!
You have to R35P3CT (respect) each other
You have to always use your clan name Scorpions | (name) or Sc.Name
You have to be always on a clan war if you are choosen one for the clanwar! And you have to use our website for informations because I wont send e-mails to all anymore !
If you dont respect this rules you will be in danger of lossing your clan and you will have to search for another clan with another rules!